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Let's try to revive this site !!
AshWolf: Alright. It's time for Wolves Howling to start fresh. Aug 16, 2014 17:45:49 GMT -5
AshWolf: :3 Aug 17, 2014 8:27:30 GMT -5
Feral Alchemist: yo gonna get active on here :) Sept 2, 2014 13:50:23 GMT -5
AshWolf: Maybe you can help me with some of the site's coding. x'3 Sept 3, 2014 22:14:05 GMT -5
Feral Alchemist: can do xD what you want doing Sept 4, 2014 10:14:54 GMT -5
Feral Alchemist: btw i'll still be rping my shadow trio but Farrah and Thorn will be my main characters on here xD Sept 4, 2014 11:01:01 GMT -5
AshWolf: Well the Peekaboo side box is glitching and I don't know why. Every time I click on it, it goes to my profile. Also, if you want to add your own picture then be my guest. (: I'll be role-playing Shadino and his new son, Damond. Sept 9, 2014 15:30:45 GMT -5
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